News and Insights

The Future of Travel Through the Lens of Sustainability Technology Healthcare

June 12, 2020

The travel industry has endured many crises, from wars, financial crashes, natural disasters, terrorism and transportation tragedies – in communications, the risk register in travel is always high. But it has been universally acknowledged that very few were adequately prepared for a pandemic as devastating as COVID-19. What we are experiencing now is unlike anything that has gone before, like the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the ash cloud caused by the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 – this is a crisis everyone is learning to navigate in real time and the longer the lockdown and travel limitations go on, the louder the questions of ‘what next?’ reverberate through every business connected to tourism. While there are no finite answers, we know that travel will continue with advancements in healthcare, tech and a more sustainably sound, socially aware global future.

As we navigate toward a ‘new normal’ travel path, FINN Partners invited three experts – Jane Madden, Managing Partner, Global Sustainability & Social Impact at FINN Partners; Dr. Karen Panetta, IEEE Fellow and Dean of Graduate Engineering at Tufts University; and Dr. James Hildreth, President/CEO of Meharry Medical College – to share their perspectives in sustainability, technology and healthcare.


TAGS: Travel & Tourism

POSTED BY: Debbie Flynn

Debbie Flynn