News and Insights

News You Can Use From a News Junkie: Cross Currents with Scott Widmeyer

July 17, 2020

Founding Partner Scott Widmeyer covers public policy, thought leadership, insights and pop culture with a range of prominent guests on his Cross Currents radio program.

I am a news junkie. It’s been in my blood since my grammar school days!

My first job out of college was covering policy and politics for the Charleston Daily Mail in West Virginia, and decades later, as my career unfolded in communications, I still get that same adrenaline rush when it comes to helping shape and tell a story.

I love to be on the front lines of storytelling. And, as a result, in 2017, I launched “Cross Currents with Scott Widmeyer,” a radio show and podcast produced by the NPR station on Nantucket, Mass.

My show is chock full of public policy, thought leadership, insights and pop culture. And, I have been fortunate to attract top tier guests to my show. From governors to best-selling authors, leaders in healthcare and education, members of Congress, entertainers and key members of the national media, all have graced my guest chair.

Cross Currents, expanded to a full hour format this year, features a newsmaker segment, and programming sections geared to the COVID-19 pandemic, music and entertainment, finance, science and health, opinion, education and Americana.

As the 2020 season progresses, I am developing shows that will look at the crisis in American education, with regard to health, learning and economic crises due to the pandemic. Plus, we’ll also chart the progress being made around the development of a COVID-19 vaccine and its rollout.

In the coming weeks, I will sit down with Washington Post reporter Mary Jordan to talk about her new book, The Art of Her Deal, the Untold Story of Melania Trump.  Plus, we’ll talk with Dawn Hudson, CEO of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and we will provide listeners with analysis of the upcoming Democratic and Republican conventions and the 2020 national elections.

Often, my show features the important work of our clients at Finn Partners. When you have ideas for stories or guests my show might feature, please reach out to me at

And, of course, give us a listen. We are streamed on all your favorite channels—Spotify, iHeart, Apple and more. Just search Cross Currents with Scott Widmeyer or access the full library of shows dating back to 2017.


Scott Widmeyer with Susan Glasser, a columnist and staff writer for the New Yorker, and Peter Baker, the chief White House correspondent for the New York Times. 

TAGS: Education

POSTED BY: Scott Widmeyer

Scott Widmeyer