News and Insights

In Remembrance of Our Dear Colleague and Friend, Jodi Brooks

August 29, 2023

Jodi joined FINN Partners five and a half years ago as Managing Partner and Global Technology Practice lead. With a 21-year track record as one of the nation’s top tech communications leaders, Jodi achieved success at the frontlines of disruptive digital transformation. Authentic, agile, driven and hungry, she led communications for the industry’s greatest tech titans as well as non-“tech” multi-national corporations – including Oracle, HP, DXC, Nokia, Fitbit, Zebra Technologies, Baidu, Verizon, AT&T, Accenture and Honeywell. 

As Burson-Marsteller’s U.S. technology practice chair, she led a multi-year transformation, driving one of the most significant new business win streaks in the agency’s history, including an AOR appointment by Oracle and 22 other new clients. She was named PR News Team Leader of the Year in 2017. 

As Managing Partner at FINN Partners, Jodi led and evolved the agency’s burgeoning technology practice, spearheaded new business growth, and conducted industry-leading discussions at the forefront of tech and innovation, from A.I. and COVID-19 to “The New Storytelling Battleground” session with Gartner, Ally Financial and StockX.

In 2020, Jodi’s fearlessness, tenacity and embracing of innovation turned from professional to personal. In June, with the pandemic in full swing, she was blindsided by a shocking diagnosis: stage 3 malignant brain cancer. Over the course of six months, she endured a craniotomy, radiation, chemo, and MRI’s every eight weeks. 

Within two weeks of surgery, she came roaring back in the new role of Managing Partner for Business Development, leading the agency’s thought leadership, including a panel on the complexities and opportunities of globalization with executives from DHL, LogicMonitor and Marvell, and spearheading multiple new business wins and industry award recognitions.

She fought cancer in the same way that she embraced every challenge – with her signature brand of optimism and tenacity. In her words, “Cancer loosens our control and often provides little warning. I never wanted to be part of this tribe … nor did I ever imagine being a cancer spokesperson, but it happened, and I’ve had time to embrace the experience and own it.” 

Jodi’s indomitable spirit, her light, her sheer force of will – as a fierce communicator, dedicated advocate for clients, and fearless cancer survivor – made her an inspiration to us all.

We, her FINN family, join colleagues, industry leaders and friends in mourning her loss and celebrating her amazing life and lasting impact.

Ryan Barr, Managing Partner:

With the passing of Jodi Brooks on Friday, sadly the world got a little quieter. Jodi was much more than a colleague. She was a true friend. Her personality lit up any room she walked into. She was an incredibly caring and passionate person. Every conversation started with an update on our kids…hearing about Jonah’s passion for ninja warrior; asking about Coop’s basketball and baseball tournaments; checking in on Jules’ college decision. I was so fortunate to travel with Jodi all across the country on business trips. Laughing at dinners. Telling stories in dive bars. Celebrating milestones in life…wherever we were, we were just in the moment. Without Jodi’s guidance (and persistence), I would never have been able to navigate my way through Burson-Marsteller or ultimately find my way to FINN Partners. For the past decade, she was a confidant, advocate, partner, and dear friend. Her beaming smile, contagious laughter, and warm soul made her one of the most genuine people I had the honor of calling my friend.

Rest in peace, Jodi. You will always be remembered.

“Once in a while, you get shown the light. In the strangest of places if you look at it right.”

Thekla Eftychiadou, Senior Partner:

I am still trying to come to terms with Jodi Brooks’ passing away. I had the privilege of working with Jodi closely for more than a decade, first at BCW and then at FINN Partners. We went through a lot professionally and personally – client wins/losses, industry recognitions, multiple kids’ milestones and more. Thousands of memories, which I will cherish for years to come. (My favorite one is the eye drama at FINN Partners offsite in Hunter).

Entrepreneurial in nature and guided by intuition, Jodi was always looking to change the status quo. She would burst into a room full of energy and ideas, paint her vision, and then get people excited about it. Her biggest strength was her ability to bond with people and build genuine relationships. She invested the time to get to know them and find connection points. She was quick in identifying people’s strengths and empowering them to be their best. She was a big proponent of picking up the phone to talk things through, resolve conflict, and find solutions. She loved in-person meetings, and she would find ways to make them happen, even in the COVID-19 years. When she got sick, she didn’t take a step back. Her determination and ambition – along with her courageous fight – were just inspiring.

My dear friend, you made an impact on so many souls.

I will always think of you when I wear pink lipstick. I already miss you.

Rest in peace, Jodi Brooks. 

Howard Solomon, Founding Managing Partner:

Jodi was a force of nature and one of the most strong-willed people I’ve ever met. At the same time, she managed to never take herself too seriously. I grew to be close with Jodi, her husband, Sam, and especially their son Jonah during the pandemic, and I’ll always cherish the time we spent virtually together. 

Margaret Dunning, Managing Partner:

First impression: that lipstick is RED and mirrored a color I had worn in my younger days. Lasting impressions: a savvy professional, mature beyond her years, loved the hunt for new business, thought beyond a defined scope of work to bring interesting possibilities to clients, loved to laugh and have fun, adored her family, took the time to help colleagues, she made a difference. Her star will continue to shine bright for me and I think for all who had the pleasure of knowing her. 

Naeema Ismail, Managing Partner

Jodi was someone who couldn’t help but leave an imprint on anyone who met her.  I honestly wasn’t sure what to make of her in our first interactions when she joined FINN as the Tech Practice lead as I had trouble getting a word in edgewise! But what struck me from the very beginning was her tenacity, relentless commitment to the client and her team, and her love for the work we do. It was hard not to be swept up and be part of the Jodi tornado when she had her mind on something or had an idea to carry out. What I appreciate most about Jodi was her heart and generosity of spirit which was especially evident when I met her at Hunter last year. I’m thankful for the opportunity to get to know her, albeit for what seemed like a minute. May she rest in peace in knowing that she leaves a legacy in her time with us all.

Sabrina Guttman, Global Technology Practice Lead & Managing, Partner:

I met Jodi in 2013 when she came to Burson-Marsteller as Deputy Practice Chair for Technology. Jodi had so many amazing qualities – she was kind, generous, gregarious, optimistic, and loving. Professionally and personally, she was the extroverted yin to my introverted yang. She taught me that sometimes, you just have to embrace the mess. And that out of chaos comes creativity. I came to FINN in large part because I felt that Jodi made me better, and I’m going to miss her. But a piece of her will live on in me as I continue to ask myself, “what would Jodi do?”


This photo was taken on July 23, 2018 at Ozumo, one of Jodi’s favorite restaurants in San Francisco. I left Burson in 2014 but she remained a close friend and helped me through many highs and lows, including meeting the man who would ultimately become my husband and managing through my mother’s battle with breast cancer. 

Margaret Hoerster, Managing Partner:

I first met Jodi right before a pitch. She had just been hired at FINN, and was asked to fly to the hotel to critique our presentation before the meeting. I was bracing for change, but Jodi surprised me. She thought every idea was amazing, everyone there was brilliant. She brought energy, she gave us confidence. And that’s exactly who Jodi was – she lifted up everyone around her with her bright smile and passion for work. In the years that followed I got to see firsthand how the amazing Jodi approached every day – her work, her family, her friends – and it was with the same energy I saw that very first time I met her. I hope we all remember to Be Like Jodi for at least a little bit every day. I know I will.

Marina Stenos, Senior Partner:

I would sum up Jodi as one of the real ones. She loved the Grateful Dead and her family more than anything. She was a true collaborator and maverick. We had the opportunity to work on several new business pitches together and it was always a good time filled with laughter, creativity, and smarts. Above all Jodi’s generosity of spirit always shone through, even as she battled for her very life her flame burned bright through it all. She will be missed.

Amy Farrell, Senior Partner:

Despite my role as a PR professional, I’m never very good with words, and I certainly can’t find the words to express what an impact Jodi made on the world and the void she leaves behind. I never expected to become as close with Jodi as I did, but she became one of my closest colleagues and friends in all my time with FINN Partners. I never really let myself believe she wouldn’t eventually win this battle, so the outcome was that much more shocking to me than perhaps it should have been. I’ll miss you terribly my friend. Thank you for everything you’ve ever done for me and others. I’ll mourn all the fun we won’t get to have together, but I’m so grateful for the times we did have. I still can’t believe it’s over. I love you.

Katie Seigenthaler, Managing Partner:

I met the incomparable Jodi Brooks one night in New York in 2019 at a SABRE Awards dinner. It was the best of nights, it was the worst of nights. The best because I got to sit next to this firecracker of a human being who would become my friend and make my life better from that day on. The worst because FINN was totally shut out of any awards – and Jodi wasn’t having it. “We have to do something about this!” she insisted as only she could. “We are fixing this, Katie. Tomorrow. FINN is doing award-winning work! We can become known for it and I know how and you’re going to help me!” Of course, I said I’d help. Nobody ever takes declarations made after a couple glasses of wine over a rubber chicken dinner seriously so why not say yes, right? Wrong. I would quickly learn about Jodi that she meant every word she said and said every word she meant. She assumed the same of me so I was stuck living up to her high standards of commitment and trust and never-give-up passion – and, with Renee Martin, we went on to create FINNWINN, now a company-wide institution, and win lots of well-deserved awards for FINN. All because Jodi wouldn’t stand for anything less.

I also learned, far too quickly in our relationship, that Jodi was all love and all courage. When she told me she had cancer, she held back nothing. She was someone with whom I felt comfortable sharing my life story from the first hour I met her. She knew I’d lost a child to cancer. She opened up to me about what she was going through and taught me something I will never forget: the bravest thing you can do, for yourself and everyone in your life, is embrace the fear. Talk about it. Share it. Own it. And then you’ll be able to let go of it. I had not done this with my own struggles. I had pretended everything was going to be okay. By example, Jodi showed me how to stop pretending. She had a way of staring down her fear and coming out the other side with a smile on her face.

I will carry her lessons with me always. I will carry her gift for honesty and friendship with me always. The one thing I don’t fear is that Jodi Sacks Brooks will ever be forgotten. She taught us all to bring the gusto, to tell people we love them early and often, to give it everything we’ve got. Because everything about life is sweet, even the bitterest pill, and embracing it all is our only option. Thank you, Jodi.  

Nati Katz, Vice President Communications, Futurum Group, former colleague and friend

“Hanging Up”

Jodi was the most caring person one can meet, and it was purely genuine. She would lean in to understand someone’s concern and take vested interest in the most personal level of one’s concern as if it was her personal matter she has to deal with. Numerous times in the past, a mundane ‘small talk’ exchange could turn into an issue she would take on responsibility to help resolve or get involved with. Without even asking her to. 

We met as she took on the role of US Tech Practice Chair at Burson Marsteller. I was her first hire in the new regime and we spent the next 4 years together with such fulfillment, laughs, wins, losses, and just knew how to have fun in every day’s work. Our common faith and heritage was the grounds for many conversations, exchanges and experiences. Jodi always enjoyed reflecting on her upbringing in upstate NY, on her trips to Israel, and we would have long conversations about politics, generational shifts, media, PR, and yes… other people we knew and “liked”. We shared several ‘tastes’ when it came to the latter. Jodi would almost never miss an opportunity to call or text with a ‘Good Shabbos’ message on Friday afternoons. It was all a personal matter when it came to people, – and she met and touched so many of them in memorable ways thanks to her uplifting spirit, energy, and that unique and sincere caring approach. 

Shortly after Jodi joined FINN and I moved on in-house at another company, Jodi and I found our way back to working together. We spent another 4 years, and that gave us nearly daily opportunities to connect. And again… she would give her absolute everything to caring and leaning in. “So what do you think of so and so?” and “did you see the news on ___, do you think it’s real? what’s gonna happen?”. Those were fun. 

But one thing everyone who spent time on a call with her could attest to, was that very efficient habit of hers to simply hang up the call milliseconds after saying goodbye. You’d just get the dead end beep. It was as if she hung up on you. But no, – that was her exit. A call that could’ve gone for 45 minutes or longer, with all the energies involved, ups and downs, laughs or serious sentiments, – doesn’t matter which, – it would end in an abrupt exit. 

Jodi, you hung up again on all of us, and it was abrupt and stark, and we will miss you enormously. 

Scott Sayres, Head of Reputation & Issues Management, Jackson Spalding

I woke up this morning and my world was a little less bright.

My friend, my buddy, Jodi Brooks, is no longer with us.

Mere words can’t do anything to ease the pain for her husband, Sam, their son, and Jodi’s extended family. How I wish they could, because then maybe telling them about Jodi’s impact on so many people might help even a little.

I first met Jodi when I had just left TV to work at Weber Shandwick and was “recommended” to help with one of her clients. Jodi blew into the meeting all hair, words and stream-of-consciousness ideas. A force of nature as powerful as any of the hurricanes I covered.

It was years later, after I’d moved on to Honeywell and Jodi was with FINN Partners and we reconnected, that she truly impacted my life. In July 2020, I was diagnosed with renal carcinoma. Weeks later, after my surgery and extended recovery, she reached out to me to see how I was… and told me only at first that she had a brain tumor.

We started to talk regularly about our situations, with Jodi (per usual) doing more listening than talking. Most cancer patients don’t want to be defined by their cancer. Jodi absolutely refused. But she became my cancer buddy. She would mark on her calendar when my MRIs and blood tests were scheduled… and call or text me within days (sometimes hours) to hear the results and find out how I was.

When I tried to do the same for her and her visits to the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke she would change the subject or just not tell me. It’s not about me, Jodi would say, more importantly how are you doing?

Jodi was one of the few people, Jo Trizila too, that understood all cancer is the same. Yet all cancer is different. And she also understood the anxiety and fear each one of those visits caused, that only those who’ve been through it really get.

My last conversation with Jodi, she finally told me everything she was feeling. She removed her wig on camera (she would never do that!), and we talked for hours. What made us happy. How much she loved her family. How she refused to give into the fear. Somehow, she knew it was everything I needed to hear. She was actually more concerned about what I was going to do career-wise than talking about her health!

Next week, when I go into my MRI, it will be the first time in three years I know I won’t be talking with Jodi about it afterwards. But I’m going to think about her, how tough she was, how Jodi loved and cared for others, and how she refused to back down or think about anything other than the present.

And for those few moments my life will be a little brighter again.

My heart goes out to Sam, Jonah, her family, friends and Jodi’s colleagues at FINN Partners.

Rest in peace, my friend.

Allison Matthews, Executive Vice President, COMSINT & former colleague at Ketchum and Weber:

There will never be another force in the PR industry who had such a positive influence on so many people. Smart, sassy and strategic, Jodi connected with every colleague and client on a human level and made the work fun. Let’s honor Jodi and find comfort in the hundreds of lessons and memories that she gave us, in and out of the office.

Laura Paradas, Director of External Communications, Honeywell, Safety and Productivity Solutions:

Jodi was an incredible person. She endured challenges that most people won’t experience in a lifetime. I’ll never forget the first day we met and she told me: I am going to fix your account! Through this process, we became closer, we talked about our families and every time I asked how she was doing, she said: I am great, I want to know how are you? Let me know if you need anything to help you. Her impact cannot be contained in her short lifetime, she will always be one of my heroes. Her positivity and kindness inspired many and particularly her courage, passion and strength will always remind me to find joy in every moment and never give up. I feel privileged to have known Jodi as she was one in a billion.

Lauren Young, Editor, Reuters:

I am absolutely *gutted* by the loss of my former neighbor, Jodi Brooks of FINN Partners.

Jodi was a life force. She transformed a room with her megawatt smile and a warmth that made everyone feel special.

Jodi could…talk: We spent many hours chatting about parenting – she taught me a lot about being a stepmom. Our professional paths crossed often, too. Plus, we shared a love of The Grateful Dead.

Jodi spent a lot of time sitting on the bench outside of our door at 325 Clinton Street because her fifth-floor walk up was a daily workout. She was usually on the telephone or coaching her son Jonah on some important lesson.

Or both!

Her love was fierce, her joy was exuberant and her enthusiasm was contagious.

I just can’t believe she is gone.

Her memory is an eternal blessing.

Sending love and light to all who knew her.

Allyne Mills, Senior Partner:

It’s hard to describe the truly unique, positive energy Jodi brought to any interaction. It was like a magical Jodi force field, enveloping and motivating others, who also benefited from her talent, smarts and inherent kindness. Knowing Jodi was a gift I value, and her memory will live on.  

Helen Shelton, Global Chief Diversity Officer:

Jodi and I became fast friends – literally from the first day she started at FINN. A fierce ally and a phenomenal woman, Jodi’s professionalism was mirrored by humor and kindness. We had many meaningful conversations on some tough topics as well as the fun stuff. It was an honor to know her and to spend time in her presence. My prayers are with her and her family – especially Jonah who I know was the light of her life. May God bless him.

Lisa Heathman, Senior Partner:

About two and half years ago, I experienced a significant health crisis and I remember talking on the phone with Jodi for nearly an hour. We had lots of plans, things we were going to do to raise awareness of and demonstrate how remarkable it was to work for a company like FINN, to work for Peter Finn, who clearly cared and who, in so many ways, leads with heart.

I will not forget Jodi’s gratefulness. Grateful for Peter, grateful for FINN, grateful for an environment that made it possible to be a human. She really didn’t dwell too much on her situation.

Sadly, we never got those plans underway… we seemed to never have time and then it was too late.

Anyway, my strongest reflection is one of Jodi, a grateful human. That’s what I will remember.

Melanie Strah, Senior Partner:

Jodi and I crossed paths over many years, but over the last year and a half, I had the gift of working with her and seeing her passion, energy, and expertise firsthand – and I’m forever grateful. I loved getting calls from Jodi – they always started with “how are you?” and she meant it. She had a knack for making everyone feel special and valued. She always said thank you. Jodi encouraged your voice to be heard.

Respectful. Authentic. Fierce. Caring.  Rest in peace, Jodi.  You will always be remembered.

Scott Widmeyer, Founding Managing Partner:

Jodi was quite a force. The spirit that she brought to everything and to everyone was second to none. My heart goes out to her family. And that extends to our family at FINN. 

Kris Garvey Graves, Managing Partner:

Celia Jones, Global Chief Marketing Officer:

When you are as brilliant, confident, charismatic and committed to excellence in everything you do – as Jodi was – the last thing you expect on the other end of a zoom or phone call or email is warmth, generosity, genuine caring, laughter and support. But she was all of those things and more. She was the third person I ever met at FINN during my interview process, and within seconds of meeting, she won me over with her vibrance and positivity and overall badassery as a communications pro, a mother, a wife, a friend and human being. She was both real and grounded, and audacious – a rare and wonderful combination that undoubtedly fueled her success in business and life. I’m forever grateful to have been pulled into her orbit and take inspiration from her courage, strength and honesty in sharing her journey with the world.

Adrienne McGarr, Senior Partner:

When Jodi walked into a room, she was immediately the center of attention. She had an energy that was unparalleled. Work, family, fun, it didn’t matter. I remember late nights with her both working on RFPs and having dance parties in the barn. She approached everything in her life at 100 percent. We will all miss her. 

Alan Isacson, Managing Partner:

Every time I spoke or met with Jodi, I felt energized. She always made time to listen and share ideas. Both of us at FINN Partners enjoyed helping companies exceed expectations — she did this far better than me — so I learned a great deal from her. Her positive outlook on life, people, and winning — will continue to inspire — forever.

Alex Laurelli, Senior Partner:

CES 2019 was the first of only a few times I spent with Jodi in person. Like Las Vegas, she was fast-paced, tireless, creative, and it seemed like her energy and brilliance could be blinding at any moment. During COVID, we bonded over our sons’ ninja warrior ambitions, and I saw how her love and tenderness for her family burned with the same intensity. Defiant and joyful, she unfurled seemingly endless possibilities for Jonah’s imagination. As a colleague, friend, and mother, she will always be inspiring, extraordinary, and unrivaled. 

Amy Terpeluk, Managing Partner:

I will never forget the first time I met Jodi. Her vivacious personality and brilliance were like a magnetic force! While I was in awe of her business acumen, I was equally struck by her kindness and willingness to dedicate her time to help her colleagues. She always had a minute and encouraging word for everyone around her. There is no doubt Jodi’s light will continue to shine bright and inspire me and all who had the incredible fortune to call her colleague and friend.

Shannon Riggs, Managing Partner:

Jodi was over the top in all the right ways! She was passionate, collaborative and the ultimate FINN cheerleader. She will be deeply missed and never forgotten.

Virginia Sheridan, Managing Partner:

Jodi’s energy was magnetic – always upbeat and enthusiastic.  She clearly loved being at FINN and spreading the word about the agency to an amazing number of influential people.  She was brave with a big heart. 

Blessing on her and her family.

Jeff Seedman, Managing Partner

The PR industry, and the world we live in, lost a great one in the passing of my friend and colleague, Jodi Brooks. To know Jodi was to love her. She was a larger-than-life leader with an infectious personality and the ability to light up a room the moment she walked in the door. She made me laugh, made me crazy at times in a way that only Jodi could, but most importantly, she helped me look at work and life – whatever the situation – in a more positive way that was uniquely Jodi Brooks. I’m better and more open minded for knowing Jodi and the world will be a far less colorful place without her. We’ll carry Jodi’s legacy in our heart, mind and spirit each day. Condolences to her family. She will be missed.

Debbie Flynn, Managing Partner & Global Travel Practice Lead:

I remember Jodi’s incredible energy and determination and loved working with her on developing our global travel tech offering, she was going to make it happen! Rest in peace.

Shivani Gupta, Managing Partner, Health Asia:

I really appreciated her work and the passion she brought into it. I am sure she has inspired many of us and has lived her life that was full of purpose and love. Sending prayers for her family. May her soul rest in Peace.

Caroline Andrew, Senior Partner:

From first meeting Jodi, she was so welcoming to our MFA team; she introduced us to colleagues and made us feel right at home. I had the chance to meet up with Jodi for a memorable dinner in San Francisco while we were both traveling, and she put together a group of FINN team members to head out for sushi. She was so inclusive and a ton of fun to be with.  The last time I saw her in person was at the Leadership Summit. We raided the hotel snack machine and washed down Doritos with a glass of red wine while laughing and talking about our kids. My heart goes out to her family and colleagues during this difficult time, especially Jonah.  Jodi was so proud of him and his Ninja skills. May her memory be a blessing. 

Andy Schueneman, Managing Partner:

Jodi was the best kind of colleague. She worked tirelessly. Thought creatively. And engaged passionately. What I’ll remember best was how well she knew her colleagues and the time she took to get to know me when we started working together. In a service industry she never forgot that our products are humans and you must engage the person first and foremost to get the best out of everyone.

Fern Lazar, Global Health Practice Lead and Managing Partner:

When I joined the FINN family in 2019, Jody was one of the first people who stopped by my office to get to know me. Her energy and optimism were infectious and we quickly knew that we were sisters in another life. The world is a little less bright with her passing.

Victoria Barnes, VP Communications & Social Media, Headspace:

A bright light amid this heartbreaking news has been reconnecting with all of the amazing people that Jodi brought together over the years. I have to believe she’s smiling down at it all. Sending love and support to her family and FINN colleagues.

Stephen J. C., Brand Specialist, Bruno Cucinelli:

Jodi was a beautiful soul – a consistent white light. She was always a joy to see in the office. My prayers go out to her family and I hope she may rest in peace. I know she will be missed by so many.

Emily Ritzo, Senior Manager, Public Affairs, Global Diabetes Care, Abbott:

She was always such a fighter and when we talked in February she continued to be an amazing mentor, friend and advocate. While we only worked together for about a year while at Burson, she continued to be one of my favorite mentors. May her memory be a blessing, and my thoughts and prayers go out to her family. ? 

Whitney Johnson, Revenue, Sales and Brand Partnerships, Essence Communications, Inc.

My heart goes out to her family and all those who love her. May she rest in peace.

Michele Chase, Chief People Officer, Omnicom Public Relations Group:

Jodi was a wonderful colleague, kind and caring leader…I always enjoyed working with her…love to her family, friends and colleagues. 

Ramiro Prudencio, Partner, Global Director of Communications, McKinsey & Company:

Jodi was a great professional, and more importantly, had a huge heart and was infinitely kind – even in the most stressful situations. Still miss working with her. To her friends and family, condolences and wishes of strength.

Matt Price, Director, Consumer Insights, Pacifica Consulting Group

I worked with Jodi on a couple projects and she was a joy. I knew she was ill and that she knew this day would come, and was always touched by the way she would talk about it transparently and openly. 

Neil Steinberg, Executive Vice President, Golin:

I only had the chance to speak with her a few times through mutual connections and know Sam but universally every time her name would come up i convos she had 100% approval rating. 

Dan Baker, Senior Vice President, Media Strategy Team Lead, WE Communications:

Jodi was an amazing person and colleague with a one of a kind personality and sense of humor. She will truly be missed.

Kimberlee Archibald, Head of Purpose & Impact Communications, NetApp:

Jodi was such a light when I worked with her, albeit briefly, at Weber. I actually just spoke to her last year. Great mother, wife and leader. 

Catherine Sullivan, Global Chief Communications Officer, BCW:

Jodi was such a bright and vibrant soul. She will be deeply missed by so many. May she rest in peace.

Chris Gee, Head of Digital, U.S. Corporate Affairs & Advisory Services:

I had the opportunity to work with Jodi. She was one in a million. 

Sara-Jessica Dilkes, Associate Principal, Global Public Relations, VIA:

I worked under Jodi’s guidance a couple times when I was an AAE at FINN Partners around 2018-2019 and she brought a fabulous and upbeat New Yorker energy to every conversation. 

Jane Mazur, Vice President Global Communications, Hologic:

She was such a smart, determined and kind professional person. She will be missed by so many.

Meredith Katz, Executive VP, BCW Global:

I had the honor to work with her – and laugh with her often while she was at Burson. The world has lost a beautiful soul. 

Shoreen Maghame, EVP, Managing Director, BCW Global:

The world has definitely lost a bright light way too soon. My heart goes out to her family and loved ones.

Brian Cronkhite, Senior Vice President at Outcast:

Jodi was such an amazing force and a wonderful person. 


For those who wish to make a donation in Jodi’s memory, in lieu of flowers, the family suggests memorial contributions to The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke. Donations can be made online at Checks should be made payable to Tisch Brain Tumor Center and sent to The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, DUMC Box 3624, Durham, NC 27710.