News and Insights

Heartfelt, One-To-One Communications

July 14, 2020

The relationship building challenges of an association or any marketer today are different than four short months ago for obvious reasons.  However, amid the disruption, grief and social distances, a couple of things remain the same. 

Communications that speak to the head and the heart are more likely to resonate. Whether we’re close together networking in a hotel ballroom or on a web platform meeting on screen, the content that earns and keeps our attention tends to be on point, respectful of people’s time, visual and well-packaged. Communications that balance fact-based delivery with the power of good, succinct storytelling tend to break through the clutter and get consumed, remembered and shared.

Reaching association members or any target audience and delivering value from a distance is something we all need to do better. Digital transformation and improved CX are important advances and well-worn phrases. Yet, being better at understanding member or prospect needs with research and delivering against expectations of value with more personal, well-designed content and communications should rise to the top of marketer to do lists.

To illustrate both points, we assembled a short view book of association marketing case studies.  Some of the work is old, some new.  All of it is designed to inspire and, hopefully, impress.  Please take a few moments—perhaps over coffee—to see for yourself:


TAGS: Associations

POSTED BY: Joe Walsh

Joe Walsh