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FINN Health Practice Named 2018 Healthcare Agency of the Year by The Holmes Report

May 3, 2018

Global communications and marketing firm Finn Partners is pleased to announce that its Health Practice was named 2018 Healthcare Agency of the Year by The Holmes Report.  The FINN Health Practice is among the agency’s largest and fastest-growing, with best-in-class clients spanning patient groups, payers, product innovators, policymakers and provider organizations.

In the analysis of FINN Partners’ selection as Healthcare Agency of the Year, Paul Holmes, founder and chair, The Holmes Group, wrote: “The performance of the firm’s healthcare practice stands out – [leveraging] the collaborative nature of the Finn Partners culture (partnering with colleagues who bring tech, consumer, and social impact expertise) to establish the health practice in 12 of Finn’s 16 offices around the world.”

“Finn Partners has been recognized repeatedly by the SABRE Awards since our inception, and now we add to that distinction the award for Healthcare Agency of the Year,” said Peter Finn, CEO. “We are built on and structured to execute on core values, including collaboration and making a difference in the world. These values enable us to pull people together to focus on delivering for our clients.”

“The Healthcare Agency of the Year honor recognizes that through client trust and tapping into our creativity, we are able to help improve human health,” said Gil Bashe, managing partner, Global Health Practice Leader. “Industry accolades are only possible because of our amazing clients and colleagues.”

The Holmes Report’s Agency of the Year honors are considered the ultimate benchmark of PR firm performance.  Holmes Report editors select finalists based on the performance of more than 400 firms worldwide.  Winners were announced at the 2018 North American SABRE Awards in New York on May 1.