News and Insights

Checklist for JP Morgan 2020

January 8, 2020

Countdown! Less than one week till the JP Morgan 2020 Healthcare Conference. Likely you have finalized your logistics: booked a plane ticket, secured an outrageously expensive hotel room, and almost filled your insane speed-dating schedule with some new investment community targets and some old friends. You even spruced up your PowerPoint presentation by adding exciting graphics and punchy messages. These are table stakes in San Francisco. Now it’s time to get your head in the game with a quick checklist to maximize your interactions during the conference.

What You Say Matters

  • It’s always about the patients: when they win, everyone wins  
  • Walk the talk: show your passion for the company and its products
  • Keep it simple: try to get 3-4 messages maximum across. The human brain can’t remember more than that
  • Don’t bash the competition: Retain your integrity – it’s what people remember

How You Say It Elevates What You Say

Eye Contact is Essential to Credibility

When listeners are aware that you are invested and engaged, they turn from passive to active participants:

  • Good use of eye contact demonstrates confidence and interest
  • At the podium, pick a few spots around the room and rotate among each – make your audience feel that the message is directed to them personally

Your Voice is Your Most Powerful Asset

Research shows your speaking voice is as powerful as the actual words you say:

  • Speak from your diaphragm – be heard
  • Vary your inflection and tone
  • Emphasize and repeat certain words/phrases – as the adage goes, “Tell them what you want to tell them, tell them, and tell them what you told them.”
  • Pause between thoughts for emphasis – silence at the right moment can be powerful

Manage the Discussion Flow

With only 30 minutes to tell your story, don’t deviate too much from your talk track. You need to answer questions, but don’t let intrepid guests steer the dialogue into wandering conversations. Use questions to bridge to your main message points. Before every meeting, know how much time both you and the other party have and manage that precious time accordingly.

Lazar-FINN Partners looks forward to seeing everyone in San Francisco at our base in the Marines’ Memorial Club. Come visit us to learn how we can help you bring your story to life. The story you bring to life effectively, may soon save lives.

TAGS: Health

POSTED BY: Fern Lazar

Fern Lazar