News and Insights

Why Hospitality Brands Need to Cozy Up to Sleep Tourism

May 29, 2024

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), one in three adults do not get enough sleep. What’s more—Wakefield Research reports that 63 percent of Americans frequently struggle with trying to get a good night’s sleep while on vacation, specifically.

All in all, America is tired—and vacation, which has traditionally been viewed as a time to explore and sleep-when-you-get-home, is now being looked at from a different lens. Sleep tourism is on the rise, and not just by a little bit; the market is estimated to grow by nearly 8 percent and over $400 billion between 2023 and 2028, according to a recent analysis by HTP Marketing Intelligence. And hotels are leaning into amenities, services and treatments that not only help guests while they are within each property’s four walls, but also recharge them following their stay.

Take Carillon Miami Wellness Resort, for instance. Led by visionary Tammy Pahel, the vice president of spa and wellness operations, the team noticed an uptick in guest requests catered toward sleep health in 2023.

To better serve guests and in anticipation of this emerging trend, the resort was the first in the world to be fully equipped with an AI-powered Bryte BalanceTM Smart Bed, while leaning into additional sleep-focused programming with the launch of its Sleep Well Retreat in fall 2023. Known for setting the bar in innovative wellness, the retreat includes an array of offerings, including Touchless Wellness services chosen for their effective sleep and meditative benefits; a 50-minute Pro Sleep Body Treatment by Comfort Zone—a massage that acts on three different sensorial pathways for profound relaxation utilizing essential oils, sound, Ayurvedic and Indonesian Sea Malay massage therapies, and soft brushes to help induce good, quality sleep; and a four-night stay in a spacious One-Bedroom Luxury Apartment—just to name a few components of the in-depth package.

Garnering over 444 million media impressions on the Retreat in a few short months, with coverage including the likes of The New York Times, Good Morning America, New York Post Alexa, The Zoe Report, and many more—it’s safe to say that this sleep-forward packaging has gained notoriety and attention from both media and consumers, proving that this buzzworthy topic isn’t going anywhere soon.

And, as technology continues to be a driving force in what’s trending in America and around the world—it, too, will play a part in the future of sleep tourism. As the Global Wellness Summit predicts in its 2024 Trend Report, wellness and technology will continue to integrate to new levels this year, with everything from medical-grade diagnostic systems, to multisensory experiences “designed to boost your mental wellbeing” expecting to further drive the wellness sector.

Therefore, as hospitality brands seek to stay competitive and offer programming that both appeals to guests—and plays well in the media—it can be beneficial to look deeper into its current wellness-focused offerings and identify how it can better cater to the sleep-deprived, or further integrate technology.

Per a recent Expedia report, 42 percent of those booking vacation homes in 2024 are seeking amenities they either cannot afford, and/or want to try before they buy. This could be a great opportunity for hotels and resorts to capitalize off consumer desires by folding more tech-forward amenities into their offerings via creative partnerships with like-minded brands.

All in all, as the wellness industry continues to grow at unprecedented amounts, it is vital for properties of all sizes to be in-the-know with current trends. Adapting to what consumers are seeking ahead of the curve could make all the difference in acquiring media and consumer interest while positioning the property as a leader in wellness.

TAGS: Luxury, Travel & Tourism, Wellness

POSTED BY: Christina Gnozzo

Christina Gnozzo