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Why choose PR? A career starter’s perspective

July 19, 2019

A few weeks ago I went on holiday to Montenegro. The first half of my trip was spent in the mountains in Durmitor National Park where I spent days hiking, cycling and white-water rafting. The second half of my trip involved kayaking and swimming in Lake Skadar. The original plan had been to kayak and camp around the lake.

Why is this relevant?

Well, I recently started my career in PR, and it dawned on me that this choice and the choice to go on holiday to Montenegro were pretty similar. Stay with me here and I’ll explain why.

Firstly, both were new to me as, prior to working in PR, I worked at a FinTech pension company while, when it comes to holidays, a typical break for me involves lying in the sun or ambling around cities. In both cases I wanted to do something new, exciting and challenging and in both cases I felt that the change would pay off. 

The similarities continue – in this case, the appeal. The holiday in Montenegro promised variety in the form of activities, scenery and weather. A career in PR also offered variety, this time in the form of sectors, clients and tasks.

For me this was appealing: variety keeps things interesting and engaging and juggling multiple different tasks requires you to be switched on. Writing a Twitter post isn’t the same as writing a byline which isn’t the same as writing a press release. You couldn’t hike with a kayak or kayak with a bike, but all are enjoyable and switching between them uses different skills, keeping you engaged.

Do your research but be prepared to adapt

The original plan for my holiday was to kayak the entire time but that was scrapped after doing some research and realising that it would be 35 degrees and that the mountains looked too beautiful to be missed. The plan was adapted, and I realised that research and adaptability are key. This applies in PR too, from researching the media landscape to building the right media relationships to learning new concepts as they relate to my clients. Additionally, deadlines may be very tight, and briefs may change, so being flexible is vital.

You shouldn’t go on a hiking holiday without walking boots and you shouldn’t embark on a career in PR if you hate writing. However, if you’ve got trainers and you’re careful, you can make it work. A career in PR may seem daunting but if you’re interested and are willing to be challenged it’ll be an adventure; I’m excited to see where this career takes me.