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#FINNFam Friday | Meet Xiaoning Chen

October 21, 2022

What’s your favorite cuisine?

I am a meat-lover ?. I love all kinds of meat, from lamb hot pot to Peking roasted duck in a traditional Chinese restaurant to Texas BBQ (I really miss Cooper’s BBQ in Austin). I usually order a kale smoothie after a heavy meal to keep myself healthy and slim, if possible ?.

What is your go-to productivity hack?

I usually put a to-do list on my desktop with prioritized/most difficult items on the top, so that I could finish the most urgent/challenging things first, and it really makes me feel good when I finished tough stuff first. Also, sometimes I sit in the public area in the office, which really contributes to productivity when dealing with creative works.

What book or movie have you recently read/seen that you would recommend?

I read Henry Kissinger’s On China recently. I discovered this book when I was traveling. It really gives me a fresh perspective of the China-U.S. relationship. Especially under current international circumstances, we could find some inspiration from the past.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Be very careful about what you think. Your thoughts run your life.

What destinations are on your list of top 3 places to visit? Why?

  • Tibet, because it’s Tibet.
  • Hokkaido for hot springs surrounded by snow after skiing would be wonderful.
  • Texas for Texas BBQ & tacos!

What is one professional skill you’re currently working on?

I am working on honing my presentation skills to better let others who are not familiar with our profession have a quick understanding.

What would your superpower be and why?

Being optimistic and smiling. A smile is a free way to brighten someone’s day.

What’s your favorite app or feature on your electronic gadget?

Podcasts – there’s a lot to explore! I love listening to podcasts on my way to work and before bedtime.

What would you do with your time if you didn’t have to work?

I love skiing, surfing, hiking or going on road trips – anything brings me close to nature.

What is your greatest professional achievement?

I have worked across media, agencies, and in-house PR. I really love the process of overcoming new challenges. I was proud of myself for completing exclusive interviews with American elected officials and reporting on political campaigns as a foreigner engaging the Asian American community when I was a reporter. Also, two of the campaigns I participated in received a gold award and a bronze award from the China PR Association.