News and Insights

COVID-19 Vaccine

September 24, 2020

The best bits from conversations about a COVID-19 vaccine between Dr. Clarence B Creech, Dr. Calvin Smith, Nick Diamond and John Seigenthaler, former NBC News Anchor now partner with FINN Partners.

John Seigenthaler chats with Dr. Clarence B Creech, Director Vanderbilt Health Vaccine Research Program: When will we see a vaccine?


John Seigenthaler chats with Dr. Calvin Smith, Asst. Professor of Internal Medicine at Meharry Medical College: What about minority trial participation?


John Seigenthaler chats with Dr. Clarence B Creech, Director Vanderbilt Health Vaccine Research Program: What makes a vaccine good to go?


John Seigenthaler chats with Nick Diamond, Health Policy and Market Access Expert with Avalere Health: Is this FDA approval process different?


John Seigenthaler chats with Dr. Calvin Smith, Asst. Professor of Internal Medicine at Meharry Medical College: What if a vaccine proves unsafe?


John Seigenthaler chats with Dr. Clarence B Creech, Director Vanderbilt Health Vaccine Research Program: How do we overcome COVID?

TAGS: Health

POSTED BY: John Seigenthaler

John Seigenthaler