News and Insights

B2B Fintech player, Trintech rebrands

December 13, 2019

Trintech is a leader in the emerging FinTech space.  With consulting services and software products they help financial executives and their departmentsstreamline high-volume transactions and GL account reconciliation, manage their journal entry process, speed up their month-end close, and ensure regulatory and other compliance efforts.

With a recent product acquisition, anticipated round of venture capital, and a market ripe for entry by global software giants, Trintech tapped FINN to refresh their visual branding. What we discovered was a business challenge. A poorly differentiated product suite, with undefined, and diverse market opportunities and value propositions. We convinced their C-Suite that, in addition to new design, a complete restructuring of their portfolio was needed.

We created a new brand architecture, elevating their CADENCY Enterprise Platform, and ADRA Mid-Market Suite as freestanding endorsed brands, and packaging point solutions as Targeted Tools. This gave rise to a new brand family design, each with a unique voice, personality, and messaging for their distinct audiences, and new multi-experience strategy for their entirely revamped web site, that transformed how Trintech goes to market.



TAGS: Technology

POSTED BY: Peter Hahn

Peter Hahn