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Cybersecurity threats and how PR can help mitigate them in 2024

December 11, 2023

The latest findings from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) paint a worrying picture of the cybersecurity situation in Germany. Ransomware attacks dominate, and the increasing professionalisation of attackers, and a growing number of security vulnerabilities, are exacerbating the situation. Every day, the BSI records an average of 70 new security vulnerabilities of which 50% are classified as high or critical.

Germany is not alone – DDoS attacks are on the rise worldwide, while ransomware and cyber espionage with political and social influence are also serious threats.

The growing professionalism of attackers is underlined by the targeted use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools. Attackers sometimes use AI to make their attacks more effective and targeted, for example by using victim analyses to help identify gateways and vulnerabilities.

Once these have been verified, the effectiveness of individual attacks is tested through trial and error. DDoS attacks have modernised significantly in recent years and the critical threshold that can cause systems to collapse completely is now reached faster. All of which means that AI makes DDoS a constantly growing threat to networks and applications by making attacks more effective.

Outlook for 2024: the role of PR in cybersecurity

In light of these worrying developments, the question arises as to how the cybersecurity industry will respond in 2024. A key element will undoubtedly be communication, both in response to potential attacks and as a preventative measure to raise public and corporate cybersecurity awareness.

PR can play a crucial role in three areas in preventing and adding visibility to these attacks.

  1. Create visibility

In such a fast-changing industry, it is crucial to create visibility of risks, potential threats and also attacks and problems. Cybersecurity PR plays a central role in informing the public about current threats, possible security measures and best practices. Companies should proactively report on their cybersecurity measures to build trust and raise awareness of the risks.

  1. Clear communication in the event of a crisis

In the event of a cyberattack, clear and transparent crisis communications are crucial. PR strategies must aim to minimise the impact of an attack and restore the trust of those affected. Fast, accurate and accessible information is essential to prevent speculation and uncertainty.

  1. Prevention through education

Preventative PR measures are just as important as response strategies. Companies and organisations should continually communicate security best practices, provide training and educate on emerging threats. Through proactive communication, potential vulnerabilities can be identified and remedied before they are exploited by attackers.

Overall, an effective PR strategy is important as organisations strive to address their cybersecurity challenges in 2024. Clear and transparent communication, both in prevention and response to attacks, will be crucial to boosting public confidence and maintaining cyber resilience.

TAGS: Technology

POSTED BY: Mara Bolay

Mara Bolay