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Top tips for starting a PR role – my law to PR experience

April 19, 2023

Starting a career in PR can at first feel challenging, especially when you are transitioning from a different profession. It can be tough to figure out how to get settled into a less familiar environment, but adaptation is always possible. I started working at FINN Partners in November 2022, after initially pursuing a career in law. After completing my master’s degree and working for a few years as a paralegal for a criminal law firm, I decided to take a leap of faith into the world of PR.

Tips for starting a PR career
With this career change in mind, here are some tips to help you as you embark on your career in PR:

  1. Ask for feedback
    An important way to get settled into the field of PR is to ask for feedback as often as possible. Receiving feedback will help you improve performance and contribute to your professional development, as well as highlight strengths and weaknesses so you can learn how to build on and improve these.
  2. Stay organised and be patient
    Moving from law to PR meant putting behind me what I already knew and entering my new field with a fresh mindset. Knowing that PR was going to be different in many ways to law, it was important to come into work with an open mind and stay as organised as possible. I would advise patience whilst becoming familiar with the new environment as it can take time to adjust to changes and develop new skills.
  3. Spend time in the office
    Coming into the office to see the team is a great way to settle in. It is helpful to be able to meet people in person and socialise with other teams based in the office too, particularly as you may work with them in the future. When you are settling in, it makes a difference to have a friendly face to turn to as that person can help you overcome any initial hurdles, like navigating the ways of working to, for example, book a conference room or set up a meeting.
  4. Attend social events
    FINN Partners regularly holds social events as a way for people to get to know colleagues in a less formal setting. During my first week at FINN, I was lucky enough to join the Technology practice just in time for the annual Christmas dinner, which was a fantastic way to get to know the team better and relax.
  5. Grasp onboarding opportunities
    I recommend making the most of all that onboarding programmes have to offer. At FINN Partners we have the ‘Welcome Academy’. This is a meet-and-greet programme designed to introduce new FINN members to their colleagues and take on board helpful advice to get settled in smoothly. For me, it provided a great way to really get to know every member of the team, especially those who I may not work with directly.

Whether you are adapting to a new environment, learning to be as organised as possible or facing any initial hurdles, it’s useful to remember that adaptation is always possible. The world of PR has been incredibly insightful, if you take into consideration some of the advice above, you can be settled into the field of PR in no time!