OUR WORK liberty insurance
Strategic insurance communications.
FINN Partners Ireland have provided public relations services to Liberty since 2017. This has involved navigating the Government’s implementation of a reform of the insurance sector.
We continue to advise Liberty (and new owners Generali Insurance) on its recent acquisition and its wider corporate communications, public affairs and reputational goals.
In addition, we continue to support Liberty’s ‘AccessAbility’ campaign, which seeks to raise awareness of the barriers to participation in sport among people with disabilities, and engage important stakeholders to create change. As part of the campaign, Liberty also partners with the Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) on its annual ‘Run’n’Roll’ race.
Guide the company’s strategic communications and helping to develop the company’s relationships with key media and public affairs stakeholders.
Professional Services

The Work
FINN Partners Ireland utilsed the insights from the ‘AccessAbility Symposium’ panel discussions, and guided by our research, developed a set of 12 recommendations to be shared with Minister Rabbitte’s office and relevant stakeholders.
AccessAbility Symposium recommendations were adapted to create a short social media campaign to promote on digital channels.
FINN Partners Ireland has worked with Liberty Insurance and the Irish Wheelchair Association in 2022 and 2023 to promote the race through media and digital channels and secure tier one media, including television coverage of the race by Virgin Media news.